Puppy Something con't....Part 2....growing up (the dark times) When last we left our puppy chronicle, all was relatively well. Koa was healthy and growing and...
Canine InfluenzaCanine Influenza There are a lot of questions regarding the recent Canine Influenza outbreak in Northumberland County. Firstly, people...
Sue's a grandmother!We are very happy to announce that our receptionist Sue is now a grandmother! She is over the moon with happiness about the new addition...
PUPPYSOMETHINGWhen our beautiful Shepherd Jackson passed last spring we were devastated. He left a huge loss in out heart and home. After the grip of...
Holiday Boarding tipsAre you planning on boarding your pet for the holidays? If so, make sure you have all the following in order: Make sure your pet's...
Tick TalkThink tick season is over? Think again! We are seeing ticks everyday. Remember the 4 and 20 rule. Ticks thrive when the temperature...